Photo: Custom Toy Excitement
My daughter has been playing with her LED Button Box every day since she received it, and she just loves everything about it. She’s learning a lot, too, and I look forward to using it as a tool to help her learn to count next.
I have been trying to capture a photo that illustrates the fun she has with this toy, but she is very difficult to photograph. As soon as she sees a camera in front of my face, she drops what she’s doing and heads straight for me, hoping to see the shots I’ve taken on the camera’s screen. But last night she was distracted enough that I finally got a photo of her face lit up with LED light while she presses buttons and holds a look of joy on her face!

My daughter enjoying her custom geeky toy!
Equipment & Settings
- Nikon D300
- Tamron AF 17-50mm f/2.8
- Exposure 1/15s
- f/2.8
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