Marshall’s Holiday Thoughts
I think it’s safe to say Christmas is a magical time for most families. Regardless of your religious beliefs, this particular holiday tends to be full of love and fun and warmth and joy. My family is not Christian, but that doesn’t mean we don’t embrace the traditions of Christmas and the many positive values it represents.

All smiles in front of the Christmas tree. Despite the lack of perfect focus, this photo captures such raw happiness that I wanted to share it with my readers 🙂
While this season, and Christmas day in particular, has always been full of love and fun throughout my adult life, now that my eldest daughter is old enough to really enjoy the entire series of events surrounding the holiday it is infinitely more fun for me than it was during my 20s when my wife and I would visit family and enjoy some traditions (especially indulging in fine beverages and tackling a 5,000-piece puzzle with an elevated BAC). Not that those weren’t truly fun experiences, but without the innocence and excitement that young children bring to the yuletide table it sort of becomes just another couple of days spent with loved ones, which is great, but in my opinion doesn’t capture the entirety of what Christmas really is. Adults are difficult to find gifts for – especially those like me who have very specific and technical interests and typically already own all but the most cost-prohibitive toys and tools related to those interests. I am convinced my wife has a massive stash of fresh socks and underwear with which to stuff my stocking each year, since those are items that generally are due for replacement on an annual basis.
Children, though, are absolutely delightful recipients of Christmas gifts. Their world view and life experience is so limited that the holiday gifting tradition presents opportunities to find gifts that will captivate them and enrich their lives in myriad ways. I didn’t give it much thought before I became a father, but suddenly the magic of the Christmas season has returned to my household!
Naturally, I put my 50mm prime lens to use yesterday in order to capture some of that wonderful bokeh made possible by the lights on the Christmas tree and the properties of this particular lens.

My favorite mutt as the subject for some nice Christmas tree light bokeh
Thank you all for taking the time to read the ramblings here on my personal blog. I hope every last one of you had a wonderful holiday!