All posts by marshall

Childish Joy at Christmastime

Marshall’s Holiday Thoughts

I think it’s safe to say Christmas is a magical time for most families. Regardless of your religious beliefs, this particular holiday tends to be full of love and fun and warmth and joy. My family is not Christian, but that doesn’t mean we don’t

Child plays with LED Button Box toy

Photo: Custom Toy Excitement

My daughter has been playing with her LED Button Box every day since she received it, and she just loves everything about it. She’s learning a lot, too, and I look forward to using it as a tool to help her learn to count next.

Two “Body Hacks” That Should Be Common Knowledge

As an adult I learned a couple of things that I sincerely wish I had known my whole life: how to cure hiccups and how to clear sinuses. While knowing these incredibly simple and effective tricks have made my life better overall, I can’t help

Completed LED Button box for Children

LED Button Box Toddler Toy – Easy DIY Electronics Project

My little girl loves pressing buttons. As soon as she became aware that buttons existed she was drawn to anything that has them. If the buttons actually do something, she’s absolutely enthralled. She’s a good kid, even as a toddler under the age of two,

Sunset in Mexico

Photo: Sunset in Mexico

Last winter my wife and I took our daughter to Mexico to meet up with other family members for a few days of relaxation. We had recently acquired a solid travel camera, a Sony NEX-5N, which we have been very happy with. It takes great

Use Nagios to Monitor Linux Software RAID

I use Nagios to monitor every server in my company’s infrastructure. It’s a bit of a hassle to setup, but once you get it up and running and understand the basic concept and how to use NRPE, it becomes easy to start monitoring every aspect